SEED Foundation
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Conference, Columbia University – 2018

Al Ehsan Welfare Eye Hospital Lahore
There are several communities within Mughalpura, Lahore area and the pressure of population on inadequate infrastructure resulted in acute problems of Health, Sanitation, Education and Environment. Under such circumstances educated youth and few elderly persons organized themselves in a community-based organization to work for the welfare of the local population. This group identified their major problems as Health and Medical Facilities. Therefore, they decided to setup a Free Dispensary in this area and constituted an organization under the name of “AL-EHSAN WELFARE SOCIETY” on October 8th, 1993.
Youth Council for Anti-Narcotics (YOCFAN) The Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH)

Educating brothel children in Pakistan should be a priority.
These children are the forgotten by-product of Pakistan’s undercover sex trade; spending their days on the streets and returning at night to sleep on brothel floors. They face malnutrition, physical and mental abuse and are prime targets of trafficking.

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